Welcome from the Head Teacher
Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.
Benjamin Franklin.
On behalf of the children, governors and staff, welcome to our school. I am extremely proud to be the Head Teacher of Headlands Primary School & Nursery, leading over 450 amazing children. In addition, we have a thriving 50 place special unit called Woodlands. This is for children with communication difficulties including autism.
We are an ambitious, innovative and inclusive school community, driven to ensure that all of the children reach their aspirational potential and be the best that they can be - academically, socially and physically.
At our school, the children are at the centre of all that we do. We are about developing the character of the 'whole child' to understand themself, others and their world enabling firm foundations to be secured for their next steps in education and life beyond...
I have the privilege of leading a professional, dedicated and enthusiastic staff team; together we have established a dynamic, vibrant and inspirational environment where high quality learning is front and centre. We proactively invest in and we are dedicated to ensure that all of the children are taught by a brilliant teacher every day. Our values of DARE (Determination, Achievement, Respect and Enjoyment) underpin secure, positive and productive relationships amongst all members of our school community.
Our ambition extends to fostering unique relationships with the National Gallery and association with the Royal Shakespeare Company. As the children journey through the school, they experience a wide range of experiences, including residential experiences, that support and enhance the children's learning and curiosity about the world in and beyond the classroom.
We are proud to be part of Northampton Primary Academy Trust (NPAT). As a Trust we offer our children a wide range of additional learning opportunities through sport, the arts, drama and technology to develop creativity, confidence and enjoyment of the learning process.
Please enjoy this website and see for yourself how we nurture the lifelong love of learning. Please also follow us on Facebook for all the latest updates.
Darren Smith
Nothing is more important than keeping all our children safe, especially the most vulnerable. Headlands and all schools in the NPAT Partnership are fully committed to their duties relating to Child protection issues.We will ensure that all children, including those with SEND, those eligible for Pupil Premium funding and other vulnerable groups are able to achieve as highly as possible. Schools within the partnership will have the most rigorous and updated procedures and policies which help keep all our children safe.
All staff are committed to promoting the safety and well-being of pupils and help to safeguard pupils’ well-being by following the requirements of Keeping Children Safe in Education and our School Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy.